Monday, July 13, 2009

'Parenthood' pushed Back, Grey's Anatomy of Space Aug 2nd, Summer of the Diasaster Mini Series

A few months back I blogged about 'Parenthood', the new NBC drama based on the 1989 movie. Production had to be pushed back to start in September because of an illness Maura Tierney (Amy Lockhart, ER) is undergoing evaluation for. 'Mercy', the medical drama about first responders ,originally scheduled for a mid season premiere, is being pushed up and will begin where 'Parenthood' was set to premiere. By the way, both series looked awesome and I am eagerly waiting in anticipation. This "medical evaluation" she is undergoing sounds pretty serious. Of course they would not elaborate further (nor should they have to, it's her business). Let's hope that she is okay. Let's also hope that this show isn't cursed somehow. Apparently production on the pilot was shut down when the VP of drama at NBC died on the set. EEK!

Okay, so I mentioned a few weeks back about the Grey's Anatomy of space coming to ABC.
'Defying Gravity' is set to premiere on August 2nd with a two hour slot with it's regular slot set for Sunday's at 10pm. It has an international ensemble cast led by Ron Livingston. Premise of the show is a story about 8 astronauts from 5 different countries on a 6 year mission through the solar system. While the series takes place in the near future, there will be flashbacks to the astronauts grueling training in the series past. ABC picked up 13 episodes. I'm eagerly anticipating this series and I sure do hope it fairs better than many of the other new shows that started this summer (Philanthropist, The Listener, etc.). I've put the commercial promo on the sidebar, so watch and enjoy. I'm sure most of you are catching it on the tube now.

Did anyone else notice that there are an onslaught of disaster mini-series or movies on TV this summer? First we had 'Impact' , this past weekend 'Meteor' premiered and coming soon is 'The Storm'. I do believe there was also one about an earthquake on this summer too. What is up with that? Okay, it's fiction, but do we not have enough real disaster with the economy? Perhaps the network thought we might focus on fictional cataclysmic life ending disasters to help us appreciate the fact that while the economy stinks (on a global scale) at least it's not as bad as possible extinction. Just a thought.

I am on a vacation visiting my mother. Normally on such a trip I would coordinate what shows I watch and she watches so that I don't fill up my DVRs with shows I'll watch with my mom. I was both lazy and busy (more busy than lazy I promise) to actually sit down and do that. I certainly hope that I don't miss anything. It's so hard to keep all the shows on and coming straight (I am interested in checking out Dating in the Dark on the 20th). I recorded 'Kings' and 'Eli Stone' on Saturday that I didn't get to watch before I left. I hope that they don't get deleted as space is needed (note to self.. and heck to all of you too.. make sure that you mark the series or the recorded episode as manually delete, rather than as space is needed). I'm regretting not organizing my DVR before I left.

I am trying to get into Big Brother 11, and the start of the season is always hard because you don't know the houseguests yet (I can't keep all the names straight). I'm a little lost because if you watch it on After Dark, they are far behind where the show actually started. I was so very confused when I turned on the first installment of After Dark after the premier episode because so much had happened between then and what I was watching on After Dark it was confusing. I think the best way to keep up with Big Bro and the televised episodes is to read the Jokers Update. I will say one thing though, the houseguests waisted no time in game playing. Right out the gate the alliance making and whispering began. Once I get that all squared away in my brain, I'll be sure to blog and have an opinion on the show. That's a promise.