Freddie Prinze Jr. joins '24' and the Action Takes Place in NY!
Two clock in at '24' Freddie Prinze Jr. joins '24'
I'm a big 24 fan. The first time the series came on, I skipped it. Then, when I had been working and found myself out of a job, I went to the video store and the entire first season of 24 was for rent. So, I rented the first DVD, sat on the couch and watched it. I believe it was 3 or 4 hours and I was completely hooked. Once that DVD was finished I immediately went back to Blockbuster to get the next one. I literally spent the next day watching the entire series. It was commercial free, of course, so it wasn't quite 24 hours but it was a long time. I remember thinking, while watching it, how can anyone watch this on TV and patiently wait to see what happens next week?!! It was so intense that I actually developed a headache from the intensity of the drama . Yeah... I know a little nuts. I realized that 24 is probably best dealt in doses of an hour a week, rather than straight watching because I'm positive the headache was from all the tension I had while watching it. Of course, the next season and all the seasons after I DVR'd it and watched it as the season unfolded. Of course we did have 1 year where we had to do without Jack Bauer thanks to the writers strike.
This past season delivered just as 24 always does. I never tire of it and it never gets old. Although you wonder just how the heck does Jack Bauer keep on ticking! The season ender didn't actually end really, as we were left wondering if , or rather how, Jack Bauer recovers. Come on, we all know Jack Bauer isn't going to die! There would be no 24 without him. The questions I'm left wondering are what happens to the President's daughter and the President herself in the aftermath of her daughter's actions? Will she be the President in this next season? And how they heck is Bauer going to get dragged into yet another debacle?!Over the last few days it's been released that Freddy Prinze Jr. will be joining the cast as a Jack Bauer want to be (I don't mean that in a negative way). I wonder, if Jr is received
well, could he possibly replace Bauer? Would the show be as good without Jack Bauer? I don't know. I don't think it would be the same and I may lose interest if Keifer Sutherland leaves the role but Freddie Prinze Jr is going to be fun to watch and he's easy on the eyes. Also joining the cast next fall is Jennifer Westfeld (Kissing Jessica Stein) and John Boyd ( I honestly don't know who he is.. LOL). Jennifer will be playing an ambitious journalist with ties to Arman Hashemi (played by Kapoor) and John Boyd a CTU Analyst (hmm.. does this mean that after having decommissioned CTU, they bring it back officially?).
But.. the coolest part of Season 8, and the one that had been rumored for quite some time, is that all the action will take place in NY City!! Now THAT is going to be fun to watch, especially for this girl who was born and raised in NY (although now living in PA). If you live in NY keep your eyes out for production teams shooting scenes for next seasons 24.... which is already in production. And, if you are reading this blog, share with me what you see or hear! I'd love to know what they have in store for Season 8 and blog about it of course!
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