Sunday, August 9, 2009

Defying Gravity - Another Great Show That Will Be Lost to Poor Ratings

So I got around to watching the Pilot episode of 'Defying Gravity' today on my laptop. Yeah, I forgot to set my own DVR after reminding everyone else on this blog about it. No worries, it's programed to record from now on. I'll be watching the second episode after I finish this blog.

But, I had to write right away because I really seriously enjoyed this show. It has beautiful cinematography (can you call it that when it's on TV? Ah.. you get the idea), there is romantic tension, a back story.. heck there is even a mystery that was alluded to, but not yet revealed ( it occurred at least 3 times throughout the episode. The first when one of those in flight control asked " How many would have gone if we would have told them", the second reference was when the current commander in charge was saying goodbye with his wife when he said "please forgive me" and then "know that I was going to be there with you for everything" but didn't give specifics, and the third when the commander that was going to replace him said " When were you going to tell the others". ) I'm really curious as to what that secret is that is being kept from the crew.

That being said given all the sets involved I would imagine that this is a pretty pricey show to film. I wonder how many episodes are already pre-taped because, unless the viewership picks up, this is a show that will disappear into oblivion. My question for network execs is why air such a show in the summer season? It's obvious to.. well even a regular viewer like me watching the "numbers" that not many people are watching anything in this or any summer season. Surely this show deserved to be presented in the FALL season when it would be more likely to attract more viewers? And so what if there are similarities between this and Grey's Anatomy (the new commander having slept with one of the crew members prior to their ever being a crew, among some of them)? There are many different places to explore in the back drop of space vs. the backdrop of a hospital that it is enough to keep me watching. It's not like this show is going to go exactly as 'Grey's' did because, well they are in two very different back drops and even time!

Where are all you Star Trek and Star Wars fans (and fans from some others that were on cable channels that managed to do well)? Okay, its a little more weighted down with drama and romantic entanglements between the crew than that of aliens from other planets, but come on. This is a show about astronauts in the future traveling through the galaxy on a tour of all our planets. First up is Venus! This should excite you guys. It does me.

If you're not watching 'Defying Gravity' please, catch up on line and then set your DVR to record it tonight. It's an excellent show. If you are watching and enjoying it, please give it some hits on the net. As I mentioned in this blog, networks are now utilizing technology to measure hits on the Internet in overall decisions on whether a show is viable or not. So please, blog about it, pass this blog on, visit the website or share it's fan page via any one of the social networking sites to show you ARE interested.

Here's hoping that 'Defying Gravity' has a better showing tonight.



I agree with you, this show is doomed. I think the "Grey's Anatomy" angle is really driving away the sci-fi fans. I'm a total sci-fi dork who checks out a lot of different sci-fi sites, and I've seen almost nothing about this show. The only reason I know about it is from your blog. And I'm pretty sure the "sci-fi" angle is probably driving away the Grey's fans, so, yeah, the show is pretty much screwed from the get go. Anyone in between has probably never heard of this show because there's been no publicity, and like you said, it's being aired in the FREAKIN SUMMER!

I read somewhere that this was a joint production with a Canadian broadcaster and is being broadcast also in the U.K. and Germany. That may be the one thing that saves this show.

I have to say, I kind of like it. A few times in the pilot, I was complaining to myself about certain scientific elements of the show, and then they ended up addressing them, although not very convincingly, but at least they addressed them. (And a few of the many examples include the lack of weightlessness amongst the astronauts, explained as "nanotechnology in their clothing that keeps then grounded" - kind of a weak explanation; and the fact that the atmosphere of Venus is 800 freakin degrees F and with an atmospheric pressure 90 times that of Earth, not to mention it literally rains sulfuric acid. At least they brought up the temp and pressure issue when they were testing the Venus spacesuit, but I'm pretty sure that the suit would not hold up, and why the hell would we want to explore the surface a planet so volatile?! Plus, I took an Orbital Mechanics course, and there's now way in hell we could explore the entire solar system in six years. I have many other problems with the science, but I am a nerd, so I digress ...)

I would say that the sexual tension between the characters is unrealistic also, but ever since the Lisa Nowak incident, I guess we can't discount that aspect of the Astronaut Corps.

I genuinely like this show, but unfortunately, it probably won't last. Which means I will keep watching it, and it will be cancelled and leave no resolution, and I will be disappointed. Oh well, at least I can look forward to the last season of Lost, and some resolution there (hopefully).