It took awhile, as it does every season, to really sink my teeth into the new Big Brother season. At first it's really hard to keep track of who is who (note to CBS, you should caption your show with the names of the people in the house as you have them on screen at least for the first week). Then, when trying to read those joker updates it can really get confusing. One thing I did know for sure from the onset was that I do not like Jessie (but that's because we all know him from previous season). Yeah, he's nice to look out but the minute that boy opens his mouth he turns ugly.
That brings me to Russel. I do not like him either. Him and Jessie are like one and the same. They think they rule the roost, but I don't believe they really have the brains to. And, speaking of brains, that "dork" guy Ronnie made a really lame brain move. I mean come on dude, only you and three other people besides Russel and Jessie who knew of the entire backdoor Braden thing and they were ; Lydia (the one that was going to be saved) and Natalie ( a loyal Athlete team member) so as soon as Russel found out that Braden was clued into the plan who did you think they were going to blame? It was extremely obvious and extremely stupid for him to expose himself. It's not as if the information getting to Braden was going to change anything.. He only revealed his hand and exposed his double agent status for no good reason. Not so brainy if you ask me.
I like Lydia and Jeff. Jeff is a hotty on the athletes team but totally not a testosterone jerk like Russel and Jessie. Jeff, by the way, is much better looking than Russel and Jessie combined. Russel and Jessie, however, are already ganging up on Jeff for no good reason other than he doesn't sit around and talk smack like a meathead and is rather playing what I think is a smart game. He is nice to the others in the house and isn't coming off as the bully meathead like the other two on his team. By the way, Russel, the problem was not that Jeff didn't know how to spell "technotronics" but rather he couldn't find an "h". You want to pick on someone for misspelling a word you should look to your boy Jessie who mixed up the o and the u in continuously and while he had all the letters, he spelled it wrong. (insert eye roll). Like I said.. Meathead.
As for the girls, the brainy neuro scientist chick seems pretty nice (Michelle) but maybe too nice. She could easily end up a floater. Again I like Lydia, especially since she managed to get Jessie and Russel to do what she wanted (her off the block and deflected to Braden who is now on the block) . She's a clever girl. Chima is a whiner so I'm not much liking her. Laura I'm not much of a fan of. By the way Laura, your comment " I can't help it if I have big boobs" was a little ..no a lot.. stupid. Those things are more fake than a $5 Gucci Bag from China Town honey, so you did have a lot to do with the enormous size of your knockers, which you now seem to think is the reason you feel no one likes you. I don't like chicks who say they are pretty and that's why no one likes them. I know it can be true in some cases, but give me a break. It may have a lot more to do with your attitude than what you look like or the size of your knockers.
As far as Casey , Jordon and Kevin are concerned I haven't quite yet formed an opinion. They haven't been very dominate or have made any moves, so to speak, in the game to really judge them just yet. Braden, for some reason, just rubs me the wrong way. Not how he talks or anything, but there is something about him and the way he looks that just irks me. I know it's wrong to judge someone on that basis, but it's just the first impression. I wonder if we'll get a chance to know him any better, as it was looking like yesterday he will be the first house guest sent packing.
Now that I've got every one straight in my head, the fun is really going to begin. Feel free to chime in and add your opinions of the house guests!